This series was created for a gallery call about Peace and Joy – which sounds delightful, doesn’t it? Peace and Joy are… well, peaceful and joyful states. And yet, peace and joy are not always accessible and all too often hard won. Some days, everything goes your way and peace and joy are easily attainable. How high can you fly? Other times, you must reconcile yourself to your life being torn apart. Self care can only get you so far before you start to wonder if your life could simply be wound back onto a spool, good as new. Will peace come in time? Probably.
10x10 acrylic on paper mounted panel
Contact for purchasing info.
“When it's not always raining, there'll be days like this.” – Van Morrison
Peace Will Come
10x10 acrylic on paper mounted panel
Contact for purchasing info.
“Peace will come in time. A time will come for us.” – Nick Cave
I Come In Peace
10x10 acrylic on paper mounted panel
Contact for purchasing info.
“Tell them they can take that bullshit elsewhere. Self care, I'm treatin' me right, Hell yeah, we gonna be alright.” – Mac Miller
10x10 acrylic on paper mounted panel
Contact for purchasing info.
The mental state of someone trying to reconcile what they see as a calamity that tore their life apart. "It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue" - Bob Dylan
Unravelling Joy SOLD
10x10 acrylic on paper mounted panel
Contact for purchasing info.
10x10 acrylic on paper mounted panel
Contact for purchasing info.
Can be purchased as individual pieces or as a collection. Contact for purchasing information.